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💾 A disk that boots and Atari, C64, or Apple II
Here is something truly amazing, a boot floppy that will start up an Atari, Commodore C64, or an Apple II. It’s not a flippy, but just one side that boots whatever machine it is inserted.
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🎴 Target is sick and tired of Pokemon cards
Due to the craziness of the Pokemon card market, the retailer Target stopped selling the cards on May 14th.
If you’re still jonesing for some cards, Walmart has your back.
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2025-05-25 Don't forget your towel today!
Today is Towel Day, the day to remember Douglas Adams and the day to carry that most useful item every interstellar hitchhiker needs, a towel.
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🦸♀️Marvel's Eternals teaser trailer
I have no idea what the Eternals even are, so I guess I need to wait for a trailer with a little more substance.
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🤑 In race for bitcoin a company purchased a power plant to mine
I don’t know if this is foolhardy or brilliant, but it’s currently profitable. A private-equity firm bought a power plant to mine bitcoin.
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🚀 A Macintosh Portable ejecting a disk - IN SPACE!
One difference between Macs and other computers with 3.5" disk drives was that the Mac relieved you of the work of pulling the disk out of the drive. The Mac had a powered eject that would gently eject the disk from the machine and basically handing the disk to you.
This works great where you have gravity, but it has some issues in space.
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🎮 Pregnancy test modded to run Doom
The intersection of people playing Doom and needing a pregnancy test is pretty slim, but here we are. First up is a pregnancy test modified to run Doom. This is possible because Digital pregnancy tests are now almost as powerful as the original IBM PC.
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🌌 We already will never be able to see 94% of the universe ever again
TRUE Limits Of Humanity – The Final Border We Will Never Cross
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🎬 Dan Aykroyd was in Temple of Doom!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom isn’t one of my favorites, but I’m warmed up to it in recent years. And now I learned that not only did The Temple of Doom give us the PG-13 rating that also Dan Aykroyd had a cameo!
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💻 Updating a Macbook with a Raspberry Pi 4
What do you do when your Macbook has stopped working? How about stuffing a Raspberry Pi 4 inside.
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