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🖥 No wonder Apple users are so loud!
The Apple II didn’t support lowercase letters and now you know why. Inverse characters are a nice hack though.
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📣 A mother used deepfakes to harass her daughter's cheerleading squad
A woman in Pennsylvania thought it would be a good idea to make fakes of her daughter’s cheerleading squad in an attempt to embarrass them and force them off of the team.
I question the use of the term deepfake since this sounds more along the line of Photoshopping the images.
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🍟 McDonald's robber couldn't get nuggets and had to settle for a McMuffin
A McDonald’s robber wanted McNuggets on his way out of the restaurant after threatening the employees with a gun. I’m hoping he was going to use some of that sweet cash for a gun since he was too early for McNuggets.
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🗃️ Syncing my notes - My Plain Text Journey Part III
This is part of a series 📃 My journey into the plain text life - Intro 🛠️ Tools for working with plain text files - My Plain Text Journey Part II 🗃️ Syncing my notes - My Plain Text Journey Part III 📝 Journaling - My Plain Text Journey Part IV ✍ Keeping Notes My Plain Text Journey Part V ✔ Tasks and To Dos My Plain Text Journey Part VI After you start using one folder with your plain text notes and lists, that’s all great until you want to work on them from multiple devices.
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🦹♂️The instant messaging client Signal turns the tables on hackers
Signal is an instant messaging client that is praised for its privacy and security model, while Cellebrite is a company that hacks smartphones for police organizations. You would think that Cellebrite would put a priority on its own security operations, but that is not the case.
Basically, they pwned the device.
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📼 The inventor of the cassette tape has passed away
One prominent aspect of my high school career was the idea of a mixtape, and the man who made it possible, Lou Ottens has passed away .
The art of the mixtape continued into the 90s, transitioning to CDs. In the transition, I think the mixtape lost something. When you create a tape for someone, the order of the songs is important, but CDs let you jump around, so you lost some of that magic.
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😈 We now know what value Facebook places on your soul, I mean you
Facebook will sell you an Oculus headset for $299, but will require you to have a Facebook account. Now, Facebook will let you buy a headset without requiring a Facebook account, all for the price of $799. And then, after the first year, Facebook twists the knife and charges you an annual fee of $180.
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⌨ Update to my Hugo script
I ran in to a little issue with my script that I use to automatically publish my site with Hugo. I wipe out the public folder and then rebuild the site with Hugo. After that is done, the public folder is synced to the web host, using the --delete option. The problem arises if Hugo encounters an error. The site isn’t rebuilt but the now empty public folder is synced, wiping out the website.
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🦸♂️Spider-Man and other Sony films coming to Disney Plus and Hulu
It won’t be long until all of pop culture will be under the Disney umbrella.
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