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💻 Scheduling and automating posts in a Hugo site
I’ve been working on a new little geeking site over at as a way to share little geeky things I find on the internet and also write about my own geekspirations. Previously I would have created the site in Wordpress, but I wanted to learn Hugo so that’s what I used. One feature I use a lot in Wordpress is the scheduling of publishing posts, so I had to figure out how to do this in Hugo.
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🎮 New speedrun record for Super Mario Bros - breaking the 4:55 barrier
It’s amazing the single-frame control one has to have to beat Super Mario Bros in under 4:55!
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🚀 Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Space Shuttle
April 12th, 2021 was the anniversary of the first space shuttle launch. What amazes me is that it will be 50 years next year since President Nixon officially announced the space shuttle program.
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🎮 Super Mario Bros. NIB, only $660,000!
Sure, NFTs may be making the headlines with insane prices, but in the real world, so are real products. A Sealed Super Mario Bros. sells for $660,000. I wish I could find things like that in the bottom of my desk.
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🦸 Here's what happens when you buy a superhero
The Planet Money Podcast went through the process of buying a superhero.
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🛵 Here's the scooter for your grandparents
Are you running out of time and got things to do? Then I have the scooter for you!
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📟 Forget Comic Sans and check out Comic Mono
Most of the fonts we use on computers are proportional, where the letter i takes up less space than a w. A monospace font uses the same amount of space for every charater. This is important when programming. Well, now you can use all the fun of Comic Sans in your editor with Comic Mono.
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🥅 The world's most dangerous piece of playground equipment
I grew up with some pretty dangerous toys, such as lawn jarts and apparently teeter-totters, but they don’t hold a candle to a Giant Stride.
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🐸 George Constanza would be proud
I may be the only person who liked the Battleship movie (Rhianna was amazing BTW), so I’m going to keep an open mind about Peacock’s proposed Frogger game show.
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💻 Why the DOS path character a \
Larry Osterman answers the question, why is the DOS path character ?.
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